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Boone County, Kentucky

Boone County, KY

Major Towns/Cities

  • Burlington
  • Hebron

Strange Goings-On:

Here’s some of the interesting things about Boone County I’ve learned so far:

Bigfoot: 1980, Bigfoot harasses a trailer in Big Bone, family takes a shot at it, and Bigfoot escapes by jumping into the Ohio River and swimming away.

– In the 1950s, newspapers reported a strange creature bothering people in the Big Bone area, and the locals nicknamed it “SATAN.”

– 2011, Petersburg, a motorcyclist swerves to miss Bigfoot crossing the road at night.

– 1994, Richwood, a lady walking her dog in middle of the day sees a white Bigfoot staring at her 50 feet away.

Ghost: Boone County is home to lots of hitchhiking ghosts for some reason.

– Big Bone Lick state park has a lot of Native American ghosts haunting the grounds, and you can hear the cries of children lost in the woods, stolen by an evil spirit who was himself murdered there.


Of course there’s always room for more. If you live in this county and have a wacky story to share I’d love to hear it! Send me a message using the form below. 

If it’s a good one — and if you’re happy to sign a release form — I’d be happy to include it in my book!
(Got to keep the lawyers happy … you think Bigfoot gets angry? That’s nothin’ compared to legal rage …)

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