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Show your love for all things paranormal in one little corner (actually three little corners) of Southern Indiana and Northern Kentucky — AKA the Big Lick Triangle!

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 I’m really looking forward to everyone reading the official THE BIG LICK TRIANGLE book which will be available to order here … as soon as I’m done writing it! Yes, it seems that writing a book is taking longer than the “over a weekend” timeframe I had originally penciled in. I mean, for one thing, I keep using “they’re” when I mean “their” … Who knew writing was so hard?
    But fear not, while you’re waiting I’d like to recommend checking out these amazing original novels written by my good friend and colleague David Falkirk. These stories are a cracking read! Full of adventure, excitement, humor, and correctly spelled words.!
The Joined World: Threshold

The Joined World: Threshold

Callie Cooper is living in the wreckage of her life. Abandoned by her fiancé and then discarded by her housemate with the mortgage looming, the situation is looking grim. Everything starts to change when her new roommate enters her life. Margaret seems to be the answer to Callie’s unspoken prayer.

Margaret has some demons of her own, though, and they’re catching up to her.

A decision to help her friend leads Callie into a bigger world than she ever dreamed possible. A world of lies, truth, unleashed memories and decisions she never imagined she’d have to face.

She also learns that sometimes the demons you should dread most are the ones you bring with you.


The Joined World: Triad

After having her world rocked — and almost ended — by sharing a part of her soul with her best friend Margaret, Callie Cooper’s life seems to be on the upswing. She’s engaged to the love of her life, her mortal enemy is safely imprisoned and she has a new talent that appears to be the key to a life of leisure.

Callie refuses to let her guard down, though, because she’s had first-hand experience with how the world really works. When two men come into her and Margaret’s life with an unknown agenda, Callie senses that deeper world resurfacing, threatening to tear apart everything the women have worked to create.

She knew helping Margaret would be a one-way trip, but she had no idea where that road would ultimately take her.


The Joined World: Worldbreaker

For a moment, Callie Cooper-Walker had it all. She’d tasted fame and enjoyed financial success, but what mattered most to her was her family — Mark, her loving husband and Margaret, the best friend she could ever imagine.

Having an angel rip them away destroyed her world.

As she desperately searches for ways to bring her loved ones back, the only path she can find looks more and more like a suicide mission. What’s worse, the only being she can turn to for help is the demon who once almost destroyed her.

Despite her best efforts, the impossible choice before her becomes clear: Is she willing to shatter everything around her to save her loved ones?

To get them back, is she willing to break the world?